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Courts this Tuesday but no Thursday club night on 13th December.

There’s no club night this Thursday (13th December) as the school had to cancel our booking this week; however we do have 2 courts available for club use on Tuesday (11th December) if you want a game this week.

The club xmas social will at the Black Horse from 9.30pm on Thursday 20th December after club night. A finger buffet will be provided – cost is just £3 and can be paid on the night.

Racket demonstration session – this Thursday (6th December)

Pete Martin will be at club night his Thursday (6th December) with a range of rackets to try out. If you like any of the rackets you can order from Pete but of course there is no obligation to buy. It’s worth trying some new rackets as each have slightly different characteristics.

There are no courts available this Tuesday due to club matches.

Club nights this term

Our club night on 13th December has been cancelled by the school. We are planning a social event for this night, more details to follow.

Anyone who plays on Tuesday please note that due to a busy match schedule we don’t have any Tuesday courts for club use until 27th November. Check the website for details of club nights and court availabilty.

This season’s match scores are also on the website. You can see these here

Chilvers Cup – Sunday 7th October 2018

Message from Coventry Badminton Association regarding the Chilvers Cup, 7th October 2018.

This team tournament is held in memory of our friend and former chairman, Graham Chilvers.

The tournament is open to all local league players (including but not limited to CBA, LDBA, SBL & RDBA).

The Chilvers Cup 2018 Details and Entry Form

Date: Sunday 7th October 2018

Venue: Coventry Sports and Leisure Centre, Coventry, CV1 5RY

Time: 12.00pm – 5.00pm (prompt start)

Entry fee: £30 per team

Teams: 2 men and 2 ladies per team

Format: Handicapped team tournament, playing men’s, ladies and mixed doubles.

Level: Aimed primarily at league and lower county standard

Shuttlecocks: Yonex Aerosensa 30 Feather Shuttles

There are still spaces for teams available – please submit entries using the link above ASAP.

Tuesdays are back!

Starting this Tuesday 4th September we have the hall available from 7.30pm for club use. Please check the website as sometimes courts are reserved for club matches, but 4th September there are 4 free courts and then 2 courts on 11th and 18th September.

Annual General Meeting

We will be holding our AGM this Thursday (5th July) during the club night.

The agenda will be as follows:

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of previous meeting
  3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
  4. Chairman’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Secretary’s Report
  7. Captain’s Reports
  8. League Representation for the Season 2018/19– Rugby and Coventry leagues and request for statements of willingness to play
  9. Club Arrangements for Season 2018/19– to confirm locations, evenings and costs.
  10. Updates from R&DBA and Coventry AGM’s – Britannic trophy arrangemen
  11. Election of Committee
  12. AOB

Andy Lees

Reminder – coaching – 28th February

Quick Reminder – the planned coaching session is coming up next week:

The next coaching session will be on Wednesday 28th February at The Collingwood Centre between 7-30 and 10-00pm. The cost will be £6 per head, unless we fill the hall with 16 people, in which case it will be £5 each. Steve Turner has kindly agreed to carry out the coaching duties again (Thank You Steve)


Spring Term subs due

For anyone who hasn’t paid their subs for the spring term yet, these are now due – £65 for regular members and £32.50 for under 18s.

Please pay Rosemary at club night.

Many thanks.

Coaching Session – 28 Feb

Please see message below from Mark Hope – if you are interested please speak to Steve Turner or Mark directly.

The next coaching session will be on Wednesday 28th February at The Collingwood Centre between 7-30 and 10-00pm. The cost will be £6 per head, unless we fill the hall with 16 people, in which case it will be £5 each. Steve Turner has kindly agreed to carry out the coaching duties again (Thank You Steve)

Stuffed with Turkey?

Eaten a bit too much this festive season? Time to work off those mince pies – our club nights start back straight after the New Year with four courts available on Tuesday 2nd Jan from 7.30pm, and club nights resume on Thursday 4th from 7.00pm.