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4 places left in both of the RDBA Coaching Sessions (13th and 22nd September).

If anyone wants to come and practice their serves, basic shots and get some doubles coaching before the league season starts they can get in touch with Steve Turner.

A little taster of what’s on offer. The rough format of the sessions will be:

19:30 – Knock-up and intro

19:45 – Serve and return demo and practice

20:00 – Basic shot practice using knock-up drills and a chance to ask for any advice

20:30 – Doubles tactics demo, Q&A and drills

20:45 – Coached doubles games (coaches will interrupt games to advise players)

21:30 – Session End

There is a team of 4 coaches

More info: RDBA Coaching Sessions – September 2017

RDBA Coaching Sessions – September 2017

Wednesday 13th and 20th September 2017.
Collingwood Centre
19.30 start on 4 courts.

Anyone from the RDBA is welcome to join in for shot/serve practice and doubles tactics advice.

These sessions are aimed at players who are in clubs and can already hit the shuttle. It is not aimed at raw beginners. Other sessions will be added for raw beginners where there is a requirement.

There are around 16 spaces in total. Places will be given on a first come first served basis. The session will cost approximately £5 per player.

Session will be run by Steve Turner who is a Badminton England Lv 2 Coach and former Warwickshire County Coach.

Please let Steve know if you wish to attend by using the Contact Us page.

AGM Agenda

The Club AGM will be held this Thursday (22nd June) during the club night. The proposed draft agenda is below. All members are encouraged to attend.

1. Apologies
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Secretary’s Report
7. Captain’s Reports
8. League Representation for the Season 2017/18 – Rugby and Coventry leagues and request for statements of willingness to play
9. Potential merger of Hunters with QDJC
10. Club Arrangements for Season 2017/18 – to confirm locations, evenings and costs.
11. Updates from R&DBA and Coventry AGM’s – ladies playing in men’s league, Britannic trophy arrangements.
12. Club summer night out – date/location
13. Election of Committee
14. AOB

Postponed – Club night out 29th April

** Postponed until a later date to be agreed **

Message from Steve Turner:

It has been suggested by a few members that we arrange a club meal/get together to celebrate the season and the move to the new venue.

 We will be organising the night out on the 29th April so it clears the Easter school holidays. The night out would be for club members (adult and junior (if appropriate age) and partners.

 The plan is to go for a meal somewhere in town first, then those who want to have a few drinks after can do.

 Can you please contact Steve Turner with interest and suggestions of where you would like to eat.

Change of venue!

After two years of being split between Bilton and Ashlawn halls, dealing with the problems of white walls and slippery floors, the committee have finally secured a permanent, high quality home venue for the club!

Rugby High School on Longrood Road have completed the build of their new sports hall. Steve, Pete and Rosemary visited the venue on Wednesday 25th January for a tour. The sports hall has been designed with green interior walls and a blue rubber type floor which we believe will suit the club perfectly, loads of free space around the courts and lighting between the courts. The school are also providing lockable storage for private hirers. The facility has brand new changing/shower facilities and we would also have use of the classroom in the venue for any meetings.

An emergency committee meeting was held on Thursday 26th January, attended by Pete Pugh, Rosemary Pugh, Steve Turner, Simon Piercy, Mark Taylor and Martin Toms. It was decided with the high interest in the venue from other hirers we should go ahead and book the venue.

Therefore, following the Easter school holidays we will be moving the club’s permanent venue to Rugby High School. Throughout the summer we will be running club nights from 7.00 – 9.30 on a Thursday night.

From September we will be moving both Tuesday and Thursday sessions to Rugby High School. The Tuesday match session will run from 7.30 – 10.00 and the normal Thursday club night will run from 7.00 – 9.30.

Exact dates will be confirmed with details of subs to be paid for the summer sessions in due course.

If any members have queries regarding the move please contact either Rosemary or Steve who will answer any questions.

Merry Christmas to all members

The committee would like to wish all members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will have our last club night this Tuesday (20th), with some Christmas nibbles and a pub visit afterwards. We resume in the New Year with four courts at Bilton School on Tuesday 3rd January.