Season: 2016/7 Season

2016/7 Season

Hunters Cov 1 vs Stockingford 1

Hunters Cov Mens 1 took on Stockingford on Tuesday 28th February.

The match was won by Hunters 9-0 in straightforward games. No drama to report.

The team’s main ambition remains to make Jeremy sweat at least once this season. Maybe in the next match away against Adders, who knows…

Steve’s home made cakes also received some good reviews from the team

Trinity 2 vs Hunters 4

This was a tough night for Hunters playing against the undefeated league leaders. Ian Francis and Isaac Porter put up a strong fight in their first rubber before succumbing 24-22, 21-16 and won their second. For Tom Marsh and J-P Rougeolle things were tougher with heavy losses in the first game of each rubber but improvements in the second as they got used to the pace. After the split Trinity’s indefatigable defence saw them again win both rubbers to seal a 5 – 1 victory