Season: 2016/7 Season

2016/7 Season

Hunters 3 vs Avon

The Hunters 3rd team started their 2016/17 season with a win that meant they became top of the table as they played Avon in the 2nd Division of the Rugby League.

The first pair, Mark Currie and Andy Dunn initially played 2 games. Their first game didn’t go so well as they lost after taking the Avon team first pair to 3 rubbers. However, this was the only time Avon were in front. Mark and Andy took the second game in two straight rubbers.

The second pair consisted of Mark Taylor and Isaac Porter. In their opening game they played Avon’s second team and won in two rubbers, Hunters were 2-1 up. The second pair then beat the first Avon pair in two rubbers. Making the score 3-1 Hunters. This meant that a draw was guaranteed and one more win would win the match.

And sure enough this was Hunters’ day.

Isaac and Mark Currie then teamed up and won the first rubber while Mark Taylor and Andy Dunn did the same. Mark T and Andy won their game which just left the other Mark and Isaac. They won the next rubber in a tight 2-clear point game. But a brilliant flick serve from Mark won them the match. Making the end score 5-1 Hunters!

A winning start to the season!

No doughnuts required by this team!

AT72 vs Hunters Cov 1

Hunters 1 assault on the third division of the Coventry league started with us deploying the big guns – a new addition to the team and two big boxes of doughnuts.
Our opponents, AT7 second team, had a few start-of-the-season team troubles, but rather than working to our advantage they’d been forced to field half their first team.
Undaunted, our first pair, Phil and Jeremy, had a rocky start against their first pair.  Once we’d worked out not to lift to the guy with the enormous smash, Hunters had put points on the board.

For the first and only time in the evening we were ahead!

The rest of the match was a tale of almost there’s and might have beens.  Following the game plan, our first pair tidied up the remaining two matches, but despite their best efforts, none of the other pairs managed to score.
Steve & Michael and Aseem & Shaeed all scored well, narrowly missing out in games lost to 17, 19 and 20.

Undoubtedly a strong opposition, and first match jitters, but we still have some kinks to work out.

We still got doughnuts, though.

Jubilee 3 vs Hunters Cov 2

Newly promoted Hunters 2’s season opener in the Coventry League 4 pitched them against Jubilee 3 away at St Augustine’s. Jubilee, themselves new to the division having dropped down since last season, fielded a strong team.

Hunters were always going to struggle on away ground, and still getting used to feathers. The team tried hard, taking a few games along the way, but couldn’t break through during the night, losing all 9 rubbers.

Not an ideal start, but good match practice ahead of some, hopefully, easier games.