Author: Hunters Admin
Replacement Club Night – Note Venue
Thursday 26th Club night is replaced with a alternate club night from 7.30 on Tuesday 24th at Rugby High School. There is no club night on 26th due to an event at the school. Normal Thursday club nights resume from October.
Hunters Badminton Social
We have 20 people joining us for the afternoon of Curry & Rounders
We are meeting on Sunday 21st July from 12noon onwards |
at Cawston Play Area/Cawston Pig Park
Sula, Ramya, Venkat & Rafique have very kindly offered to make a variety of curries and deserts, giving us all a real treat and taste of India. Should anyone have any special dietary needs or allergies please can you let me or Sula know this week.
Please can you bring along drinks to compliment the curries and contribute to the picnic. Everyone will need to bring their own chairs, blankets, plates, cups, glasses & cutlery….
After the curry picnic we can enjoy a sporting challenge, picking teams for a game of rounders or two.
Any queries, changes to attendance please let me know…. We look forward to seeing you there –
Many thanks Barbara 07912 057 732
Club Nights over the festive season
Our last club night of 2023 will be Thursday 21st 2023 8pm – 10pm. We then take a week off for the festive break before resuming on Thursday 4th January 2024.
Buffet and Social night at the Black Horse – Thursday 27th July 2017
Join us after the club night on Thursday 27th at the Black Horse in Bilton for a buffet and social night. Please pay Mark Taylor (or another committee member) £3 by 20th July so we have confirmed numbers for the buffet.
Britannic Tournament – Sunday 8th October 2017
The Britannic Tournament will be held at Rugby School Sports Centre on Sunday 8th October 2017. A sign-up sheet will be made available at club night, or speak to Steve Turner if you need more information.
Some exciting news on the horizon
Hunters will have a few pieces of very exciting news in the next few weeks. Watch this space!
Merry Christmas to all members
The committee would like to wish all members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will have our last club night this Tuesday (20th), with some Christmas nibbles and a pub visit afterwards. We resume in the New Year with four courts at Bilton School on Tuesday 3rd January.
Christmas Club Night and Social
The committee have decided to defer the planned tournament and instead have a Christmas social evening on 20th December. Bring some nibbles / drinks (no glass bottles) – all four courts will be available for play.