Author: Hunters Admin

Mens/Ladies Tournament – October 16th – Rugby School

If you are interested in playing in this tournament, please contact Steve Turner (see message from Mark Hope below for details).

Hi All,

I have BOOKED Rugby School Sports Centre for SUNDAY OCTOBER 16TH FROM 10:00 UNTIL 16:00

This is for a MEN’S / LADIES Tournament

I have until the 3rd week of September to confirm or cancel our booking.

I would guesstimate the cost to be £8 per person (dependent upon numbers)

I need confirmed teams of 4, with names, as soon as possible please. (but most certainly before Friday 23rd September)

Many Thanks


2016/17 Season – Message from Andy Lees

I know it seems early to be asking about intentions for the next season but there are potential changes for which we need to get everyone’s views; specifically, it was agreed at the AGM in June that there would be a vote on what shuttles we would use next year.


The latest situation regarding venues is that enquiries were made with Bilton regarding the use of the Sports Centre for the Thurs night club night but they have confirmed that this is not possible so the arrangements will be as they were last year; i.e. Tuesday night at Bilton for matches with free courts available for club play when not required for matches and Thursday night at Ashlawn school for club nights.


Following the Rugby AGM, it has been confirmed that the second and third teams will remain where they are; in the first and second divisions respectively. The 4th team will drop back into the 3rd division.


In the Coventry league, we will continue to field two teams but are keen to enable as many players who are interested in playing in those teams.


Shuttles ballot


Following discussion at the club AGM it was agreed to hold a club night played solely with feather shuttles and the members would then be able to vote on how the club should proceed. The club night happened on the 5th July 2016 and the options for the vote are below.


Please select your preferred option:

1.       The club continues to play with plastic shuttles

2.       The club moves completely over to feather shuttles – this would increase the yearly fees for each member by £30

3.       Teams 1 and 2 in each league (Rugby and Coventry) will play with feather shuttles at home games – this would increase the match fees for each player in those teams by £2 per match

Each member of the club is entitled to one vote and the vote should be given with a response to this email.


Along with your vote, could you please confirm your intention to play at the club next year and your interest in playing in any of the teams for the next season? If you are replying for a number of family members, could you please provide the information and vote for each member so we capture everyone’s views?


Finally, could I ask for replies by Aug 22nd so we can make arrangements in time for the start of the new term which will start on Sept 6th at Bilton High School.


{For those who are interested in playing over the summer, Steve has organised some courts at Bilton tomorrow night starting at 7pm – cost depends on numbers attending. Also, Phil’s sessions at the QDJ Leisure Centre will continue on Fridays at 7:20pm}.


Andy Lees (Hunters club secretary)

RDBA Presentation Night – Cancelled

Message from Mark Hope, RDBA.

Hi All,

Do you all remember as far back as the 21st February, (I know it might be difficult for some of you older ones !) when we had badminton players coming out of our ears, all wanting to play in THAT tournament.

Well, we managed to get 56 people playing badminton that day, and if we assume that all of those players know somebody, we have the potential for an RDBA presentation night.

On that note, the DUNCHURCH Social Club is booked for Friday July 1st from 7pm onwards for our presentation night. We could, if you like, have some Skittles (not sweets), some Pool (not swimming) and some Darts and some Food (not sweets again) and maybe a Quiz too.

There are trophies to be presented to worthy winners and maybe some spot prizes for non worthy winners.

How about it then. We got the Tournament going again, with everyone promising to play the next one, now, lets get our presentation night going again and keep it going.

I really would like numbers and names (you’ve all done that before with the tournament, so you know how it works).

I guess the cost will be around £8 per head.

To start the process, we have confirmed so far (we need a minimum of 50 to make it worthwhile)

Mark Hope

Tracey Hope

Please add your name to the list and send it back to me. I will send out revised figures as and when we get increases in numbers.

Come on RDBA, lets have some fun.



CBA End of Season Celebration Dinner

Message from Steve Turner. Anyone from the club is welcome and partners too. Please contact Steve if you are interested.

Coventry Badminton Association End of Season Celebration Dinner

Winners Trophy Presentation and Disco!

Date:  20th May 2016

 NEW Venue: The Village Hotel

The Vibe Suite, Dolomite Avenue, Coventry Business Park, Cov, CV4 9GZ Time: 7.45pm (8pm sit down)

Tickets: £16 pp

We hope you will all be able to attend and enjoy a lovely evening celebrating the end of the 2015-2016 season and help to congratulate those who have won a trophy this season.

To book your ticket numbers please email Rachael Jenkinson or Louise Taylor

Payments should be made direct into the CBA Bank (using your club name & PR “xxx_PR” as a reference for the payment) or payment by cheque.

Please mention in your email if you require a vegetarian meal/s.

Presentation invite 2016



Victory for Hunters in the Britannic Tournament

Hunters 1 team secured the RDBA Britannic trophy after a nail-biting finish. After 6 hours of play, Hunters 1 were tied on points with Trinity 1, with the match to be settled on a first to 21 single match decider. Phil Pelton and Wing To stepped up, and overcame a handicap start to win the deciding game 21-19.

Photos of the winners holding the trophy are in the gallery.

Well played to Hunters 2, 3 and 4 who also competed in the marathon event.

Message from Steve Turner, match secretary:

As Match Secretary for Hunters BC and RDBA committee member I would like to thank all who took part in the 2016 Rugby and District Badminton Association Britannic Tournament today (Sunday 21st Feb).

It was a fantastic day of badminton with some laughs, some passion, some tears (maybe) and some great games to be part of and watch.

The Britannic was once held every year at this time, played for by the RDBA league clubs. It has been some five years since the Britannic Assurance cup was last contested.

At the league AGM last summer, we committed to holding the event this year and see the cup once again contested. This happened due to a lot of hard work from Mark Hope and co; and it was great to see so many players of all ages and standards playing today.

After the success of today it is really important that we now continue to hold and support this event and events like them to keep the game being played in Rugby.

So I would like to thank Mark on behalf of the club and say a well done to all who turned out to play (especially the ones who dived in at the last minute!).

If you have any comments on how the day went or any feedback for the next event please catch me at a club night and I will feed them back to the league.

Britannic Tournament 21st Feb 2016

Message from Mark Hope, RDBA Chairman

OK, we are ready to start taking orders for your Britannic teams.

I have until the end of January to confirm or cancel Rugby School sports hall.

We are looking for teams of 4 players, men/ladies/mixed. We need names as soon as possible please.

The costs will be dependant upon the numbers of teams entered, but be aware that we have already paid out £XXX (loads) to Rugby School for the Horton Crescent facility, that’s 6 courts for 8 hours. If we get 10 teams, we are looking around £6 per person, £24 per team. This is with a large RDBA subsidy.

I would like to arrange a meeting to work through some of the detail, with reps from each club and certainly the league reps, Steve T, Rob F, Simon O.

Areas of interest, handicapping for ladies/mixed teams, and for possible unknown players to our league, Leamington/Coventry/QDJC/Harris/Warks College. how we manage the competition on the day and adjust handicaps if required. We need to make it a success for everyone so that we can do it again in 2017.

Before I call that meeting, I would like to see some commitment from clubs to get some names in.

The event will take place on Sunday 21st February between 10:00 and 18:00.

Any thoughts please.

Many Thanks and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you ALL and indeed your CLUB MEMBERS.

Mark H.

Club nights November / December 2015

There will be no club night at Ashlawn on November 26th. as the school has cancelled the booking There should be club night on Thursday December 3rd. as usual but this will be the final club night on a Thursday before Christmas

For the next two Tuesdays there are two matches scheduled so there is no court availability for club players. After that courts are available on a Tuesday night for club players on:

  • Tuesday 1st December
  • Tuesday 8th December
  • Tuesday 15th December