League: Coventry Mens Division 3 2016/17

Aerotech Labs 2 vs Hunters Cov 1

With a number of first team regulars not available tonight, a few of the second team had to step in the fold and try and keep the first team’s unbeaten record going.

Aerotech put out a solid second team, but they couldn’t get any traction against Jeremy and Isaac who cleaned up all three rubbers without dropping a game.

Helpfully one slightly weaker Aerotech pair allowed both Phil and Aseem, and Simon and Steve to win a rubber each, nudging a close 5-4 win overall.

Record run kept in tact and promotion now beckons.

Fiona did the honours with great chocolate brownie.

Hunters Cov 1 vs Stockingford 1

Hunters Cov Mens 1 took on Stockingford on Tuesday 28th February.

The match was won by Hunters 9-0 in straightforward games. No drama to report.

The team’s main ambition remains to make Jeremy sweat at least once this season. Maybe in the next match away against Adders, who knows…

Steve’s home made cakes also received some good reviews from the team